Yoni Steam Mix


Yoni Steaming is an ancient natural remedy that can aid in maintaining reproductive health, balancing hormones and regulating periods for a healthy, happy Yoniverse. For use as a Yoni Steam

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Yoni Steam Mix


Marshmallow Leaf, Nettle, Bay Leaf, Organic Dandelion Flower, Marshmallow Root, Lavender, Red Rose Petal, Cinnamon, Thyme, Hibiscus Flower, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Red Sage, Chamomile, Mugwort


First of all, create a beautiful space to steam your Yoniverse. Light some candles, and sage and throw on your favourite binal beats. Make yourself a lovely cup of tea or even cut up some fresh juicy fruits to nibble on while you steam, Pineapple is a favourite. You can have a book to read, write in your journal or even pull yourself some cards with intentional questions. 

I like to wear a full skirt or dress, big enough to cover the legs as they are spread and the lower part of my yoni steam chair. I also wear socks as my feet can get cold. If you don’t have a long skirt or garment, a blanket or large piece of cloth will work just as well.

Half fill a cast iron or steel pot with spring water only, never use tap water when yoni steaming.

Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and add half a jar of the yoni herbs.

Cover the pot and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

If you are not going to use the pot to steam (Don’t use a pot that you would cook in, get you a special pot with a nice lid), carefully pour it into a vessel that you will steam with (Never use plastic to steam your yoni) that should already be in your steaming box or homemade thrown. 

Carefully carry the pot to your Yoni box/chair/thrown and place the pot inside. Lift the lid and place it to the side. Make sure that the water is still not boiling hot as you can burn yourself so please be very careful, you may have to allow the water to cool a little longer with the lid off.

Once you are confident that the water is at a safe temperature, lift up your garment from behind and sit on your thrown. Your garment should be covering your legs to at least your calves. 

You can stay on the steam for no less than 20 minutes but 45 minutes is an average steaming time.

Enjoy your Divine time 

When you have finished, some light stretching or yoga is recommended to get the blood circulating around the whole body, and get lost in the energy of you.

Place the lid back on your pot or carefully pour the contents back into the pot and place the lid on top. Carefully take the contents outside to a tree and pour it onto the roots speaking “I give you the life that you give to me” Thank you, MaMa.

Additional information

Weight 0.212 kg


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